We invite your business to sponsor the Celebration on Hope Gala on March 20, 2021.
While we may not be able to gather together in person this year, we have found creative ways to share with the community the good works that the Kansas City business community is doing. Does a small gathering with your bubble appeal? Or even the opportunity to speak to hundreds via a pre-recorded video message? Or, you might even just be looking to support an agency that has the vulnerable in Kansas City in mind and in heart. We work hard everyday to put your sponsorship dollars to work to lift the vulnerable to the dignity of self-reliance and we will continue to do so through the Celebration of Hope Ignite the Night gala.
Brooke Hilst
Major Gifts Manager
4001 Blue Parkway, Suite 250
Kansas City, MO 64130
Email: bhilst@ccharities.com
816-221-4377 | Direct: 816-659-8274 | Cell: 816-536-6756